

Garry Greenwood


October 2018



Dear reader, please understand that the ideas presented herein have not yet reached their full maturity. They are ideas still seeking full expression. It's a work in progress, but nevertheless they are powerful ideas awaiting someone or some group to carry the ideas forward with energy, dedication and a true sense of purpose. With the help of a few friends, I have set out below a powerful tool or idea which we believe will enable everyone who so desires to play a part in bringing about a more just and sustainable world. We claim no ownership or copyright whatsoever. It's waiting here for the right person or persons to take up the challenge presented here. Such a person or persons need only be fairly social media savvy and enthusiastic. Are you that person - perhaps a rebel seeking a cause?


Stop The World Day


Welcome to our new and ever-expanding network or movement dedicated to positive and peaceful global change. Everyone is welcome. The Stop The World network (not yet formed) is for everybody who feels disempowered, helpless, victimized and frustrated with those wielding power over them - well, I guess this amounts to almost every thinking person. Those holding power over us could include, but are not limited to; local politicians, government agencies, religions, banks and their banksters, powerful corporations which employ bullying tactics and syndicated mainstream media outlets owned and operated by self-serving megalomaniacs.


What We Do


Our primary focus or tool is our Stop The World Day. We are not about revolution or destruction. We are only concerned with sending a strong message to the global elite, who create or manipulate the rules, that we will no longer tolerate their agendas, policies, implementation and tactics. Hence, we will collectively apply varying degrees of their very own Shock and Awe pressure or tactics whenever we choose until they begin to respond to our requests (see below). This network is solely for this purpose and every concerned and thinking person is able and encouraged to participate


Stop The Insanity


Just imagine the shock and awe that would be felt by our corporate and government bullies if, for just one day, everyone refrained from: purchasing anything, using their credit or debit cards, watching TV, buying newspapers, using their cars, doing any kind of banking or commercial transaction, using any government service or office, using a mobile phone...I think you may be getting the picture. Imagine the panic this would cause amongst the global elite who rule, reign, govern, spy and brainwash us.


No property need be destroyed. There is no revolution, no riot, no tear gas, and no beatings. No one goes to jail, no one disappears and no one appears on a no-fly list. In fact no one really has to do anything. Just refrain from playing their game for the day.


This will stop their world for one day and this will send a terrifying message to them that they cannot ignore. They cannot retaliate by blaming any particular persons, action, ethnic or socio-economic group as they won't know who we are. It's not illegal to turn off the TV, abstain from social media and the internet and refrain from visiting a shopping mall or even staying home from work for a day - where possible.  Instead, we could prepare for this day in advance. It's not rocket science and everyone can participate. Do nothing except perhaps read a good book, play with the kids, make love with your partner or simply talk with someone. We get to choose how we will fill in our day, and doing so will not get us tear gassed, blacklisted or imprisoned.  


As more and more people begin to participate in doing nothing on the Stop The World Days, the threat to the global elite grows ever-more ominous. Eventually the few forward-thinking or concerned ones amongst them will begin to implement the changes demanded by their voters, customers, members and citizens solely for the purpose of their own self-preservation - which is acceptable - considering.


Stopping their world for a day, whenever we choose, will serve to remind or teach them that it is we who pay their taxes or buy their products or services. They are there to serve us  - not the other way around.  


How You Can Help


I realize that we did say that you don't have to do anything on this day as doing nothing is the key, but actually beforehand you can help by spreading the word by using social media and any other forms of communication that are available to you. Use Facebook and Twitter (accounts waiting for you to establish).


Remember, this is not a demonstration, a riot or a revolution - in the normal sense of the word. We are not trying to physically destroy anything. We are about peaceful change using the threat of monetary loss and the ever-diminishing loss of power of those who rule over us. Such loss is the only language they understand and that they will respond to. Also realize that they are totally reliant upon us and our up-till-now subservience and perceived powerlessness. By stopping their world whenever we choose will force them to listen to our collective disappointments and to make gradual or, better still, rapid changes to how we are treated.




So What Are Our Demands?


Good question. They are many, and on a personal level these would depend upon many factors such as: where we live, race, gender, government, religion and socio-economic situation, etc. For example, if banksters have stolen your money through immoral, yet legal, financial transactions wouldn't this be a demand for justice for you? What if clergy at your local church were harboring a known pedophile, or worse still transferred him to the Vatican where he is immune from prosecution or extradition? What if your government introduced austerity measures punishing the poor whilst the rich become even richer and yet remain untouched? What if the increasing volume of harmful plastic waste, other toxic rubbish and dead sea creatures continue to wash ashore on our beaches unabated?  


I guess in the end it boils down to justice, equality and equal rights for all and something which is totally alien to the global elite. The global elite are totally disinterested and detached from the plight of humanity and are only interested in maintaining the status quo for their own lust for wealth and power. Such people are never satisfied. They simply see us as their surfs or slaves to further increase their wealth.


Stop The World Day is...(as soon as someone announces it)


Important Points to Remember:


*         Nobody is coming to save us

*         Silence is compliance

*         Doing nothing is compliance

*         Be solution oriented not problem oriented

*         Realize ultimate power rests with the people not with the elites

*         Without our subservience the elites cannot exist. Our subservience is their oxygen.

*         Violence is not the solution as it simply creates an ever greater pushback, including more military type expenditure and profits  for those who manufacture armaments

*         The elites have absolutely no intention of relinquishing their power and profits

*         Complaining, reasoning, writing, calling and emailing our leaders have pretty much proved to be ineffective. The elites dance to the beat of a  different drum - they dance to the rhythm of power and profit

*         Stop The World Day is an ever-evolving work in progress



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